The mud has been strewn, the amps have been blown and this year's V Festival has come to an end. But amid the whirling crisp packets and lager cans left behind by music-crazed punters, there's one aspect of this year's festival that's close to our hearts at Cineworld.
What's that, you ask? It's our pop-up roadshow cinema of course! This year, we were delighted to bring the cinema experience to The Virgin Media Louder Lounge. In fact, we're the first cinema chain ever to do so.
To those at the festival, it might have looked like an unassuming shipping container. But on stepping inside, it immediately became apparent that this was manna from heaven for film fans.
Not only did it contain 40 hugely comfy seats. It also boasted a blindingly brilliant film programme, from The Blues Brothers to a Tarantino double bill of Pulp Fiction and Django Unchained. The eve of the festival also played host to a preview screening of biographical drama Lovelace, starring Amanda Seyfried.
And viewers have taken to Twitter to express their delight. "Cinema at V has been fab," says Gemma. Meanwhile Hannah may have found our bean bags too comfy... "Loved The Hangover... Fell asleep during The Blues Brothers though – too many cosy bean bags." And Lucie tweets "It was AMAZING!"
Glad you guys liked it! Anyone else out there who visited the pop-up cinema? Then share a comment with us!