There's more to your local Cineworld than the latest blockbuster releases. To celebrate two fantastic theatre productions coming to the big screen in the next couple of weeks, The Winter's Tale and The Importance of Being Earnest, here’s five reasons why you need to experience event cinema on the biggest screen you can find.
1. Pick from a diverse selection of events
Ballet from the Royal Opera House, Shakespeare from the Globe Theatre and much, much more. You don't have to limit yourself to one thing or the other – browse the latest Cineworld listings and gorge on all the event cinema you can find.
2. Cheaper tickets
Want to enjoy the boldest, most exuberant and unforgettable event cinema from around the world – at a fraction of the usual cost? When you watch in Cineworld you can. And it gets better: Unlimited members get 25% off with their card, so it's even cheaper.
3. Stay local
You don't have to travel to the West End to enjoy the latest live productions. Save on the travel and hotel costs and instead opt for the comfort of your local Cineworld, where the most vibrant live cinema events come direct to you.
4. Enjoy the best view
Front, middle or back row – you don't have to worry about the reduced visibility you may get in the theatre. Instead, bask in the splendour of the latest theatre, ballet and opera on the biggest screen you can find, from the comfort of your cinema seat.
5. Tuck into your favourite cinema snacks
Whether it's sweet or salted popcorn, a Tango Ice Blast or something else entirely, fuse your favourite in-cinema refreshments with the splendour of event cinema. It's the best of both worlds.
What Event Cinema screenings will you be catching up with this autumn? Let us know @Cineworld.